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Experts believe that noise is harmful to human body
Read: 1083 Author: Mr. elevator source: Elevator noise control release time:2020-01-09

Medical experts believe that: pregnant women in the long-term noise environment of more than 50 decibels, will make endocrine gland dysfunction, and appear mental tension and endocrine system disorders. Serious can make blood pressure rise, fetal anoxia and ischemia, cause fetal deformity and even abortion. And high decibel noise can damage the fetal hearing organ, causing some areas to be affected. Affect the development of the brain, resulting in mental retardation of children.

The malignant stimulation of noise will seriously affect our sleep quality, and will lead to neurasthenia symptoms such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, dreaminess, memory loss, inattention and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomachache, abdominal distention, and anorexia. Nutritionists have found that noise can also increase the consumption of essential nutrients such as vitamins, microelements, amino acids, glutaric acids, and lysine in the human body, affecting health; noise can increase adrenaline secretion, speed up heart rate and blood pressure, and easily lead to heart disease; at the same time, noise can reduce the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, and reduce gastric acid, so as to suffer from gastric ulcer and Duodenal ulcer. It is harmful to human cardiovascular system, and the investigation of urban noise and residents' health in China shows that the incidence of hypertension increases by 3% for every decibel of noise in the area. ·It affects the nervous system and makes people impatient and irritable. ·Affect sleep, cause fatigue. The main physical and psychological hazards brought by noise are as follows:

1. Damage to hearing. Relevant data show that when people listen to the motorcycle sound continuously, their hearing will be damaged after 8 hours; if they live in a rock concert hall, their hearing will be damaged after half an hour; if they live in a noise environment of more than 80 decibels, the possibility of causing deafness can reach 50%.

2. Noise impairs vision. Noise can seriously affect the hearing organs, and even make people lose their hearing. However, there is a subtle internal "connection" between the ear and the eye. When the noise acts on the auditory organ, it will also "affect" the visual organ through the role of the nervous system, so that the human vision will be weakened.

It is pointed out that noise can make color vision and color vision abnormal. It was found that among the 80 workers exposed to steady-state noise, 80% of the workers showed red, green and white vision reduction, which was 85% higher than that of the control group.

The shadow of noise on eyesight can be seen everywhere in daily life. For example, when shopping in a quiet and bright shop, it is pleasant and calm. Shopping can be done with fine selection and complete purchase. When shopping, the high pitched speakers play fast-paced pop music loudly (some so-called pop music, just deafening and strong noise), they are often restless, dazzled, and even confused with transactions. They don't buy what they should buy, and they are not satisfied with their poor identification. The main reason is that dryness affects vision.

3. It is harmful to human cardiovascular system, and the investigation of urban noise and residents' health in China shows that the incidence of hypertension increases by 3% for every decibel of noise in the area.

4. It affects the nervous system and makes people impatient and irritable. Scientific research has found that noise can stimulate the nervous system and inhibit it. People who work in noise environment for a long time will also cause neurasthenia syndrome (such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, memory decline, vision reduction, etc.).

5. Affect sleep, cause fatigue. The harm of noise to sleep: when the sudden noise is 40 decibels, it can make 10% people wake up, and when it reaches 60 decibels, it can make 70% people wake up. From the psychological point of view, noise will first cause psychological symptoms such as bad sleep, inattention, memory loss, etc., then lead to upset mood, emotional instability, and even decreased tolerance, grumpy temper, and finally produce a series of diseases such as hypertension, ulcer, diabetes, etc. Psychosomatic disease refers to the physical disease caused by psychological factors. Dr. Li also introduced that the probability of noise causing psychosomatic diseases is quite large, and the treatment is relatively difficult, requiring a relatively long period of recuperation and recovery, which brings great trouble to people's daily life and work.

The direct harm of noise to human body is: destroy human nerve, make blood vessel produce spasm, accelerate the metabolism of hair cell, thus accelerate the coming of aging period. In clinical diagnosis: the patient's external performance is that the whole person is in a bad mood, restless and loud voice; the most common diseases are tinnitus, earache, hearing loss, dizziness, headache and noise deafness; for infants and young children who are in the stage of growth and development, noise hazards are particularly obvious. Infants who are often in noisy environments are not only hearing impaired, but also intellectual development affected. It is difficult to repair the sensory nerve damage and hair cell damage caused by noise

Experts think that noise is very harmful to human body. Noise volume (decibels) has an impact on human body: for example, 0-50 decibels: comfortable, whispering; 50-90 decibels: hindering sleep, sadness, anxiety; 90-130 decibels: itching, ear pain; more than 130 decibels: rupture of eardrum, deafness. Noise has different degrees of harm to different groups:

1: The harm of noise to pregnant women and fetus

Pregnant women in a long-term noise environment of more than 50 decibels will cause endocrine gland dysfunction, and appear mental tension and endocrine system disorders. Serious can make blood pressure rise, fetal anoxia and ischemia, cause fetal deformity and even abortion. However, high decibel noise can damage the fetal auditory organs, which will affect some areas. Influence

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