Shenri Elevator´s Noise Abatement Center
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The elevator is too noisy to sleep
Mr. and Mrs. Zhang are 5-story residents of a commercial house. The noise emission of the adjacent elevator exceeds the standard, which seriously affects the normal life of the family. Mr. Zhang and his wife sued the real estate developers for the infring
The first elevator noise infringement case in Shenzhen adjudicates that the developer is sentenced to reduce noise
Recently, the people's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province concluded the first elevator noise infringement case in the city. According to the law, a real estate company of the defendant was ordered to take sound insulation and
It is more difficult for residents to safeguard their rights
On December 3, six owners of the Pearl River Dijing community in Beijing pulled up a banner outside the Dijing sales center, which read: insist on the developers to solve the problem of elevator noise pollution. The owners said that part of the commerc
Series report: Discussion on the solution to "elevator noise"
When does the noise dream stop ——Discussion on the solution of "elevator noise" The picture shows the elevator maintenance personnel looking for noise solutions. Our reporter Xu Jianhua Today, the house has become the most
Owners banner protest elevator noise developers say they don't know
The banner "protest against elevator noise" drew people to a halt.   Twenty or thirty protest banners were hung in three buildings. "Protest against elevator noise" - until yesterday, dozens of owners' windows of
电梯是建筑物内的垂直交通工具,方便高层居民出行。让我们来看看如何处理顶层电梯的噪声。 大多数电梯噪声不是高分贝强噪声,但在大多数情况下,低频噪声会对人体造成慢性损伤、易怒,有时甚至失去理智。长期干扰也可能导致神经衰弱、失眠等神经系统疾病。电梯噪声主要来自主机房的牵引机和配电控制柜,对顶层居民影响很大。如何处理顶层……
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Noise Reduction Hotline: 15986818878

Phone: 0755-86379063

Email: 2072448809@qq.com

Company address: Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

Company website: srzyzl.com

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